
Something For The Chilly Days: Flechas De Los Andes Gran Malbec Mulled Magic

On a brisk day, there's nothing better than something warm in your stomach. Well, I guess there's one thing better. Something warm and wine-based!

The dry, robust Flechas De Los Andes Gran Malbec is the perfect complement to tart pomegranate juice. While its full-bodied nature stands up with to the acidic citrus, its deep fruit flavor blends beautiful with the spice of the cloves and cassia sticks.

Like the De Caldas punch, this is an easy crowd-pleaser. While the drink’s presentation is beautiful, it’s also simple. Just combine all of the ingredients in a saucepan, then simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. Pour into mugs and top with sliced figs. Or, if you’re looking to have a more buffet style drink, break out the punch bowl and add the figs there. Since this Malbec is so rich in fruit, you can get really creative with your fruit additions: add a handful of dried currants or raisins. The choice is yours!

1 bottle Flechas De Los Andes Gran Malbec

4 cups pomegranate juice

¼ cup honey

1 citron or lemon, sliced

3 cloves

3 cassia sticks (or cinnammon sticks)

1 cup sliced figs for garnish


2 Minutes Makes 20 Drinks-De Caldas Starbust Punch

They call this De Caldas. Say that five times fast.

Ron Viejo De Caldas 3 year aged rum is a wonderfully sweet, golden rum aged in Columbian oak barrels. Rum is a classic, versatile spirit, and the perfect key ingredient in punch.

The best part about punch? You can make it in advance, with little effort, and when it's ready, it serves a ton of people. No need to make individual cocktails here!

What You'll Need:


Punch bowl



1 Bottle Ron Viejo De Caldas 3 Year Aged Rum

4 Cans Ginger Ale

4 Cups Pineapple Juice

3 Cups Banana Juice (note: banana juice is generally part juice, part concentrate. Feel free to substitute with two blended bananas, the punch will just have a thicker consistency)

Edible flowers (for garnish)

In the punch bowl, combine all of the ingredients except the ice and the flowers. Refrigerate the punch for about an hour before you're ready to serve. Then, add the ice and the edible flowers for a festive look. Serve with a ladle. Just like chicken soup!

Did you use this punch to entertain guests? Let us know in the comments!