Many people are fans of our luscious, late harvest line from Herzog. Late harvest wines are sweet and thick, often perfect for creamy or fruity desserts. In our words, late is worth the wait. But what exactly is a late harvest wine?
Late harvest wines are made from grapes left on the vine a bit longer than usual. Sometimes, the grapes themselves end up resembling raisins, except they've been naturally dehydrated. Botrytis cinerea, also known as "noble rot," is the fungus responsible for draining the grapes of their water. Without water, the grapes' sugar contents become more concentrated, resulting in a delectable, sweet wine.
Unlike Port, late harvest white wines are perfect for lighter desserts. Push the chocolate cake aside and pair a late harvest white (like Herzog Late Harvest White Riesling) with a fruit tart or flan, even vanilla ice cream.
When you sip a glass of late harvest wine, make sure you take in the bouquet carefully. You'll be able to detect all sorts of berries and spices, no doubt enhancing your drinking experience.
Have you tried any late harvest wines? What do you like drinking with dessert? We love hearing about your favorite sweet & sweet pairings, so let us know in the comments!