Try This Vodka, New Product

Good Vibes In Your Vodka: Aviv 613 Vodka

They say you can't buy spirituality in a bottle, but with Aviv 613 Vodka, you might come close.

This clean, crisply sweet vodka is made in Israel using some typical ingredients, like wheat. However, what makes Aviv's taste unique is the blend of grain and fruit alcohol. An alcohol mash made from figs, dates, grapes, pomegranate seeds, and olives mingle with thrice distilled wheat and barley. But why these particular and unusual flavors? Aviv is Hebrew for Spring, and the vodka's ingredients are part of the Sheva Minim, the first fruit offering at the Beit Hamikdash, the Holy Temple, on Shavuot, The Festival of the Tabernacle.

But ingredients aside, another thing that makes Aviv unique is its bottle. The triangular shape represents the three devisions of the soul: body, mind, and spirit. Moreover, the curved sides represent the trials and challenges we experience throughout life.

And the puzzles don't stop there.

There are over 100 hidden messages contained in a bottle of Aviv. You can discover them all on Aviv's website. For now, we'll just chill a bottle and feel joyful, one message that needs no decoding.

Have you tried Aviv yet? Let us know what you think!