
Montefiore Monday

Welome to Montefiore Monday! Today, Shlomo tries two wines from the Montefiore Winery in Jerusalem, Israel. Shlomo has some pretty strong opinions about Sirah...

Shlomo prefers to try the blend-the Kerem Moshe-first, followed by the Petite Sirah. Why? The Sirah grape is too intense before the blend. His mouth "gums up" from the tannins. Speechlessness aside, both wines are delicious. Have you enjoyed either recently?

Wine101, Basic Wine Tips

Wine 101-Open A Bottle Of Wine

You have to start somewhere, right? Here, Jay Buchsbaum shows you how to open a bottle of wine, complete with a corkscrew suggestion.

Jay prefers a waiter's corkscrew, rather than a butterfly corkscrew. Remember to put the opener in the center of the cork.